Monday, October 15, 2007

One would think...

...that I would be the one having the nervous breakdown weeks before the NaNoWriMo started, given my sketchy past, but's Lila! Gracious, girly...

I, on the other hand, have been walking around in a near completely blank state of mind, aimlessly pondering words like "uffish" and "omphaloskepsis" and "onomatopoeia". Good words, those.

I'm considering writing my entire 50,000 word novel in lower case with no spaces. Wait. That would just be one really long word. Scratch that idea. Maybe just all lower case. I figure I can type faster if I don't have to worry about the shift key.

is it harder to read something with no capitalization? no. i say, let's pass a national resolution banning capitalization from the typing of documents. it would be endlessly more efficient and people could work for 6 hours a day instead of 8 and still get the same amount of work done. then you could all elect me president of the galaxy (the universe is just way too big) and i could remove all shift keys from the keyboards of interstellar spacecraft and replace them with big pink squishy keys that make a beepy kind of noise...

sorry..what? oh. it's time for my meds. gotta runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This is the place...

...where all the fun will be contained. That is, assuming you can contain fun, which I'm pretty sure that you cannot. Hello! DANG.

Anyhow - it is now a mere 22 days until the NaNoWriMo begins. At the stroke of Midnight, all hopped up on Halloween Candy, I'll set forth the first of 50,000 words, which I will be excerpting on this here bloggy channel.